Your guide to GEHA's pregnancy and delivery program, benefits and resources. For members of GEHA's Elevate and Elevate Plus medical plans. Download the PDF for a 508-accessible document.
Maternity guide Your guide to GEHA’s pregnancy and delivery programs, benefits and resources.
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
What’s inside
03 Welcome to GEHA’s maternity program 04 Find the answers you need
06 Every week of pregnancy counts 08 What to eat while you’re expecting 10 Support during pregnancy and after 12 Maternity management 14 Your breast pump benefit 16 Earn rewards through Wellness Pays during your pregnancy 18 Exercise during pregnancy
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
Welcome to GEHA’s maternity program Laying the groundwork for a healthy pregnancy is one of the first and best things you can do for your new child. This guide will provide you with valuable information on pregnancy and prenatal care as well as information about your GEHA maternity benefits. GEHA’s maternity program includes: Maternity resource kit This packet includes important information on your breast pump benefits, information about our Wellness Pays program, FAQs about maternity management, information about our special program for babies who require a stay in the neonatal intensive care unit, plus more. Pregnancy e-books and digital resources If you provided your email address when you ordered your resource kit, you will receive a series of emails with informative e-books about prenatal care, pregnancy, postnatal care and well-child information as well as additional digital resources to assist you on your journey to parenthood.
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
Find the answers you need
In addition to the pregnancy resources you’ll find at , these websites offer guidance to help you navigate the important, and sometimes complicated, journey to motherhood.
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
Online resources
March of Dimes March of Dimes is a nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of mothers and babies. The March of Dimes website offers information on prenatal care, pregnancy and infant care. National Breastfeeding Helpline This site includes information about the benefits of breastfeeding, instructions for how to breastfeed and information to help you overcome challenges. Postpartum Support International This site offers information about postpartum depression and resources to help you cope. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists This site includes fact sheets and FAQs about common medical issues and procedures during pregnancy and delivery.
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
Every week of pregnancy counts Each week of pregnancy is important to your baby’s development. Carrying your baby to full term or 39 weeks is recommended for most healthy pregnancies. A baby born too early may be at risk for health problems at birth and later in life. Here’s why your baby needs 39 weeks in utero: • Your baby’s vital organs, including their brain, lungs and liver, will have the time they need to fully develop. • Your baby will be less likely to have vision and hearing problems after birth. • Your baby will have time to gain a healthy amount of weight. • Your baby will be more likely to be able to suck, swallow and stay awake long enough to eat after they are born. Scheduling a delivery earlier than 39 weeks can cause unintended health problems for both mother and baby. If you must induce labor or have a C-section, wait until at least 39 weeks, unless there are medical issues that require you to have your baby earlier.
Source: March of Dimes
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
What to eat while you’re expecting What should you put in your grocery cart? Most OB/GYNs will recommend prenatal vitamins and provide patients with a list of foods to avoid, such as soft cheeses, cold lunch meats, sushi and excessive caffeine. Instead, enjoy nutritious foods to help you and your growing little one.
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
Spinach – A great source of folic acid. Put it in salads, egg dishes and smoothies.
Lentils and beans – An everyday, affordable protein. Put them in soups and salads.
Citrus – For folic acid and vitamin C. Eat oranges whole or drink juice. Put lemon juice on salads or in drinks.
Nuts – A great source of protein. Sprinkle on salads or keep handy for snacks.
Cottage cheese – Packed with protein and calcium. Use it instead of ricotta in lasagna and eggs.
Asparagus – Many women don’t get enough vitamin D, but a side dish of these stalks will get you on track.
Broccoli and collard greens – Eat these veggies steamed for extra iron in your diet.
Salmon – Full of calcium and vitamin D. Make it a main course or toss it in salads or with eggs.
Avocado – Its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids are good for baby’s brain development. Put slices in salads or on top of toast. Mash ripe avocados for guacamole.
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
Support during pregnancy and after
GEHA is there when your baby needs special care.
If your baby requires the services of the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), you and your baby can rely on the assistance of GEHA’s Maternity and NICU Support Program. A specially trained NICU nurse will provide you with support and education, work with your health care provider and the hospital’s staff while your baby is in the NICU, and assist you and the hospital team with discharge planning for your infant. Questions? Call GEHA’s Maternity and NICU Support Program at 888.216.8246 , press 2 if you are a member. You will then be prompted to press 2 to speak with a Maternity and NICU Case Manager.
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
Help through pregnancy and baby’s first year GEHA’s Elevate and Elevate Plus medical plans can help expecting moms along their pregnancy journey. The maternity program provides: • A helpful source you can trust. • Support between prenatal care visits. • A pregnancy guidebook and other educational materials. All at no additional cost to you as part of your health benefits. Signs of preterm labor Preterm labor is when your body begins the process of delivery before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Signs of preterm labor include: • Belly-tightening contractions every 10 minutes or more often • Change in the color of your vaginal discharge or bleeding from your vagina • Pelvic pressure or the feeling that your baby is pushing down • Low, dull backache • Cramps that feel like your period • Your water breaks Call your health care provider if you experience any of the signs of preterm labor.
Source: March of Dimes
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
Maternity management
How do I know if my doctor, hospital and lab are in-network? Check or call Customer Care at 800.821.6136 . Our helpful GEHA Customer Care representatives are here to help you find a provider near you.
Where can I find an explanation of maternity benefits?
• Access your benefit brochure at • Call GEHA Customer Care at 800.821.6136 for clarification. What is included in the maternity benefit? Generally speaking, if you use in-network providers and have a pregnancy without complication, you will be covered 100% . There may be circumstances in which this does not apply. Your maternity benefit also includes prenatal care, delivery and postnatal care. Breastfeeding and lactation support services are covered. Your benefit will be determined by whether services are provided by an in-network provider as described in the GEHA plan brochure, which is available at
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
Are breast pumps covered? Breast pumps and related supplies must be obtained from GEHA’s contracted breast pump provider. Breast pumps will be covered at 100% with a physician’s order. See page 14 for more information. Some things that are not covered are: childbirth education classes, services for birth coaching or labor support, and genetic counseling. How much time do I have to add my baby to my GEHA policy? You have up to 60 days after delivery to add your baby to your health plan. Contact our Enrollment Department at 800.821.6136 for details. Is my baby covered under my maternity benefits while in the hospital? The baby will be covered for normal nursery charges only. If your baby requires special or non-routine care, they will be considered under the general medical benefits as a separate person on your policy. This includes circumcision. See your plan brochure at if you need clarification.
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
Your breast pump benefit
GEHA covers some models at 100% within the maternity benefit. Each provider can advise you of your options when you are ready to make your purchase. You can order a breast pump no more than 30 days prior to delivery. The provider will ship it directly to you. These are the breast pump providers contracted by GEHA to contact, regardless of your location. Please order from one of these contracted providers to avoid out-of-pocket charges.
Phone 855.404.6727
Adapt Health 877.902.9726
Byram 800.321.0591
Medline Industries
If you have any questions about your GEHA breast pump benefit, call 800.821.6136 to talk to a GEHA Customer Care representative.
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
Earn rewards through Wellness Pays during your pregnancy
You can earn $100 in Wellness Pays Rewards through Wellness Pays for visiting your physician or midwife within the first trimester of your pregnancy. A first trimester visit with your health care professional is the foundation for effective prenatal care and can help ensure you and your baby’s good health.
Individual rewards Annual maximum
$ 500
Household rewards Annual maximum
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
How to earn Wellness Pays rewards If you haven’t already, visit and sign up. CONTINUE TO EARN REWARDS You can continue to earn rewards through Wellness Pays during your pregnancy for a variety of activities, including completing a health survey or getting a flu shot. As you earn rewards, funds will be loaded on a Wellness Pays prepaid debit rewards card, to be used for qualified medical expenses. Once you’ve completed your first rewardable activity, you’ll be eligible to register an account with HealthEquity to check your rewards balance, view account activity and more.
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
Exercise during pregnancy
Baby, let’s move! During pregnancy, regular exercise can help you stay in shape and prepare for labor and delivery. You likely feel more tired than normal and your back might ache from carrying extra weight; however, unless your doctor advises you to restrict physical activity, pregnancy is a great time to get active and has many benefits for you and your baby. In fact, pregnancy can be a great time to get active. During pregnancy, exercise can: • Reduce backaches, constipation, bloating and swelling • Boost your mood and energy levels • Help you sleep better • Prevent excess weight gain • Promote muscle tone, strength and endurance Other possible benefits of a regular exercise program during pregnancy may include: • Lower risk of gestational diabetes • Shortened labor • Reduced risk of having a C-section
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
Get confirmation from your doctor during your regular prenatal checkups that an exercise program is good for you and your baby. Remember to pace yourself during your workouts and try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise several days a week, if not daily. Walking is a great exercise for almost everyone and helps improve blood circulation with minimal stress on your joints. Remember to warm up, stretch and cool down. Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and be careful to avoid overheating. Listen to your body. If you experience any vaginal bleeding, dizziness, headache or chest pain, stop exercising and contact your health care provider. Regular exercise during pregnancy is a healthy choice for you and baby and can help you cope with the physical changes of pregnancy while also building stamina for labor and delivery. It can also aid in rebounding more quickly postpartum.
Source: Mayo Clinic
Your exclusive plan perk As an incentive to get you moving and stay motivated, the Elevate and Elevate Plus plans have a new benefit for 2022. Eligible subscribers can register online for a Fitbit wearable tracker, DailyBurn virtual fitness subscription or a $125 gift card for DICK’S Sporting Goods or REI. Subject to availability. See our website for more details and to signup:
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans 800.821.6136
This is a brief description of the features of the Government Employees Health Association’s Elevate and Elevate Plus medical plans. Please read the Plan’s Federal brochures, available at . All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the Federal brochure. The information contained herein is for informational and educational purposes only. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice and if you have questions regarding a medical condition, regimen or treatment you should always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider. Never disregard or delay seeking medical advice from a qualified medical professional because of information you have read herein.
© 2022 Government Employees Health Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
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