Help through pregnancy and baby’s first year GEHA’s Elevate and Elevate Plus medical plans can help expecting moms along their pregnancy journey. The maternity program provides: • A helpful source you can trust. • Support between prenatal care visits. • A pregnancy guidebook and other educational materials. All at no additional cost to you as part of your health benefits. Signs of preterm labor Preterm labor is when your body begins the process of delivery before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Signs of preterm labor include: • Belly-tightening contractions every 10 minutes or more often • Change in the color of your vaginal discharge or bleeding from your vagina • Pelvic pressure or the feeling that your baby is pushing down • Low, dull backache • Cramps that feel like your period • Your water breaks Call your health care provider if you experience any of the signs of preterm labor.
Source: March of Dimes
Elevate and Elevate Plus plans
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