Maternity + GEHA - Elevate and Elevate Plus

Spinach – A great source of folic acid. Put it in salads, egg dishes and smoothies.

Lentils and beans – An everyday, affordable protein. Put them in soups and salads.

Citrus – For folic acid and vitamin C. Eat oranges whole or drink juice. Put lemon juice on salads or in drinks.

Nuts – A great source of protein. Sprinkle on salads or keep handy for snacks.

Cottage cheese – Packed with protein and calcium. Use it instead of ricotta in lasagna and eggs.

Asparagus – Many women don’t get enough vitamin D, but a side dish of these stalks will get you on track.

Broccoli and collard greens – Eat these veggies steamed for extra iron in your diet.

Salmon – Full of calcium and vitamin D. Make it a main course or toss it in salads or with eggs.

Avocado – Its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids are good for baby’s brain development. Put slices in salads or on top of toast. Mash ripe avocados for guacamole.


Elevate and Elevate Plus plans

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